SanMing The Principal’s Words

Principal: Priscilla Fung (馮玉珍) Vice-Principal: Maddy Szeto (司徒志雄)

2014 The Principal's Words

June, 2014 The Sharing and Report of the Children’s Village

Living in the children’s village for about a year, facing more than 60 children day and night, my moods fluctuated every day between love and “hate”, as there is something new every day. To the third-year high school graduates, I feel that it is a bit too late to “hate” them. Actually, they really need a lot more help and guidance to correct their inadequacies in their characters and their daily life habits.

Right now it is the final examination of the third-year students. They revise and prepare for examination until mid-night, being nervous, worried and stressed. Some other children are sick and insomnia. We both try our best to accompany, encourage and support them. We also prepare midnight snacks, so as to let them have enough physical strength to cope with the examination. We prayed for them, wishing the heavenly father will look after the children, and let them know and recognize the source of their help.

To prepare for the coming semesters, we admitted 20 newcomers (5 kindergartners, 15 first-year to third-year high school students). There really are some feelings of beginning anew and because of this, we prepare actively. We once again interview all the current students, aiming to let them review the regulations and identify themselves with the goal and the future of the children’s village. More important is to let them prepare psychologically to accept and help the newcomers on their daily life matters. We are hoping to build up a good environment, a positive atmosphere and willingness to follow regulations habitually for the newcomers, so as to let all the children can happily grow up together.

We both plan to stay in China during summer holiday, and go to Hong Kong to start summer camp at around end of July to August. But because the weather is too hot and moist, the average temperature is 33°C (90°F+), sometimes up to 35°-38°C. Most of the time and places do not have air conditioning, we sweat heavily. Therefore, it is hard to tell ourselves “it is cool if our hears are peaceful”, especially when the children made us angry. We can only rely on God’s grace to get through, knowing that the heavenly father is our shade.

In His Love
司徒志雄, 陳雅芳夫婦
Maddy & Flora Szeto

Intercessory prayers:
1. The newcomers can adapt to the children’s village, because they are pretty young, very unaccustomed to the new environment and probably will cry a lot.
2. Need two more caring parents to lead the children’s daily lives. Because we really encountered difficulty to hire suitable persons for a long time on this matter, we pray to God to prepare candidates for us.

2011 The Principal's Words

The Principal’s Words : Feb-Mar, 2011

Dear friends: It has been a month since I came back. I am living happily. Every day, from 6am, when the alarm clock rings, to 9pm, when I return to my warm nest, days keep going by quickly. In the afternoon, I can take a bit of rest after the children have gone to school. Fulfilling life passes by quickly. Sometimes the strong pressure makes me wish that time can run faster and look forward to holidays.

2010 院長的話




二月底從馬來西亞回來的時候孩子們已經比我先回來。有好幾位孩子不能及時適應兒童村的生活,想念著家鄉的 家人。有的找我傾訴,找我哭,我一一安慰他們。我能夠體會並明白到一下子並不能完全適應過來。




“天父,祢喜歡我們今天為祢的演出嗎?” 那一夜,回到房間梳洗以後站在窗前看著天,問了這個問題。臉上露出從心底處發出微笑,感覺肩膀輕了許多。是的,我相信天父很喜歡。





2009 院長的話



很多時候是隻身一人在中國。 我和副院長馬雪珊姐妹本著聖經上帝的教導“教養孩童使他走當行的路,就是到老他也不偏離”(箴言22:6)在孩子的全人教育上戰戰兢兢的負起重任。在兒童村工作,常常與孩子共同經歷成長的痛苦與喜樂。看著孩子們在善與惡之間掙紮,在是與非中做取捨。錯了又改,改了再錯;與此同時也看到孩子們更新了,走出了那捆綁他們的繭,快樂的生活,心裏感恩滿滿。


談起Abby 就要重提去年暑假的事情。大概2007年初我收到一個郵件是從美國芝加哥來的。寄信人名叫何秀蘭。她自己介紹是與我兒子的朋友,是我兒子給她我的地址的。原來她很想過來參觀兒童村,想多瞭解我們的工作。於是我們一直保持聯絡。






親愛的孩子: 謝謝你的笑容,讓我的一天變得更明亮; 也謝謝你的冷漠,讓我知道我需要更多注意你。


親愛的孩子: 許阿姨多麼希望你們將來會過好日子。許阿姨多麼希望你們的生活充滿幸福,快樂。 我多麼難過當我踏進永安監獄的牢房接見室。四面的視窗上貼著“當心玻璃”和“請講普通話”的標語。

院長的話: 2009年11至12月


院長的話: Nov to Dec 2009

It was already cold when I got back from America in mid-November. The tempreture dropped to 4 degree and it was no sun for almost a week. It makes me miss home so much coz there is always sunshine there!